Artemis of Ephesus (Mother Guardian/Goddess)

Artemis of Ephesus (Mother Guardian/Goddess)

Mother Goddess Artemis of Ephesus

From the wooden totem adorned and dressed by the Amazons with fabrics and jewelry to the enhanced marble statue carefully wrapped and preserved, Artemis of Ephesus has been the most powerful religious cult of the ancient world for thousands of years. She is completely different from Artemis the Hunter, daughter of Zeus. In one aspect, she is the Anatolian Mother Goddess, protector of nature, fertility, and all living beings, while in another, she is a magnificent blend of the Greek Artemis, protector of the wild. In addition to her power as a lunar goddess and symbol of fertility, she embraces the cosmos with the zodiac symbols on her, the supernatural with her water nymphs, and nature with animals, seeds, and fruits. She is the protector and source of all beings, both real and surreal, on earth and in the universe—Mother Earth, the Mother Goddess.

Thus, Artemis of Ephesus has become an archetype of meaning, shaped by hundreds of civilizations and thousands of years of tradition. It is a symbol we take on as a matter of reconnecting with our nature, the world, and the cosmos.

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