Matter of Talismanic Shawl
Talismanic Shawls are inspired by the Talismanic Shirts which are a valuable part of the Ottoman culture with 87 extant unique shirts (displayed at the Topkapi Palace), along with its examples seen in China, India and Spain. The mystery of these shirts is still not fully understood, but it is believed that they protect you from diseases, the evileye and other menaces, as well as making you invincible at war grounds. Quran verses, prayers and symbols were used on these 8000 thread woven shirts that were produced based on the stars positions, taking 3-4 years to finish. Our talismanic shawls are designed with healing, protection, life, astronomy and nature symbols, as well as geometric designs of the original shirts, cypress trees for a long life, cloud motifs of miniatures and a hummingbird bringing peace happiness and abundance