Sun (Power of Life)

A Matter of Astronomy Sun Power of life

Since the beginning of history, humans had a need to understand the universe, and made use of one of the oldest disciplines of science, the astronomy. The sun, father of astronomy, which was divinized by almost all pagan civilizations, has been the symbol of light, knowledge, goodness, justice and power. The sun symbol is seen in all ancient wisdoms ever and it is considered as the source of life. The sun, our biggest source of energy, maintains its indisputable power as heat, light and the most important of all, the source of life.

It is a matter of…

If you ever feel like you are losing your life energy, take a look at the sky; take the sun, which relentlessly rises every day, as an example. To crown it all, it retains its distance and heats you without burning, despite all the fire within…

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